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keyboard 2016-09-10 —
Gina HäußgeThe keyboard plugin provides a combined syntax and action plugin in order to markup text as keyboard keys, similar to (and making use of) the existing (X)HTML tag <kbd>…</kbd>. A quick button for the markup is automatically inserted into the toolbar of the edit form.
tag wiki pages
$tag = plugin_load('helper', 'tag');
Description | returns the header for the tags column for pagelist |
Return value | header | string |
Description | returns the tag links of a given page |
Parameters | id | string |
Return value | links | string |
Description | generates tag links for given words |
Parameters | tags | array |
Return value | links | string |
Description | returns a list of pages tagged with the given keyword |
Parameters | namespace (optional) | string |
number (not used) | integer |
tag (required) | string |
Return value | pages | array |
Description | refines an array of pages with tags |
Parameters | pages to refine | array |
refinement tags | string |
Return value | pages | array |
Description | returns a list of tags with their number of occurrences |
Parameters | list of tags to get the occurrences for | array |
namespaces to which the search shall be restricted | array |
if all tags shall be returned (then the first parameter is ignored) | boolean |
if the namespaces shall be searched recursively | boolean |
Return value | tags | array |
Send anonymous data about your wiki to the DokuWiki developers
$popularity = plugin_load('helper', 'popularity');
Description | Check if autosubmit is enabled |
Return value | result | bool |
Description | Send the popularity data |
Parameters | data | string |
Description | Gather the popularity data |
Return value | data | string |
Description | Compute the last time popularity data was sent |
Return value | data | int |
Lists pages in a nice formatted way
$pagelist = plugin_load('helper', 'pagelist');
Description | adds an extra column for plugin data |
Parameters | plugin name | string |
column key | string |
Description | overrides standard values for showfooter and firstseconly settings |
Parameters | flags | array |
Return value | success | boolean |
Description | prepares the table header for the page list |
Description | adds a page to the list |
Parameters | page attributes, 'id' required, others optional | array |
Description | returns the XHTML output |
Return value | xhtml | string |